Burji Online

Our Correspondent

Today evening, unknown gunmen shot and killed Mr. Jeremiah Ado Hanche, a mathematics and physics teacher at Dakabaricha High school in Marsabit town.

The soft-spoken father of two who also owns an MPESA super-agent was reportedly resting at home after a busy day at the shop when unknown men called him.

Those close to the family told Burji online that the assailants carried out the heinous act not far away from his home.

Those close to him suspect that his killers were forcibly trying to take him to the shop, which was not far from where he lives.

There were reports of a heated argument between the suspects and the Badasa born teacher before gunshots rented the air.

An Mpesa agent who usually purchases float from the super-agent told our reporters that the shop had an unusually busy day.

His students describe him as a motivational and inspiring teacher, while his mpesa customers describe him as an understanding and empathetic person.

The security situation in Marsabit County has continued to deteriorate at an alarming rate in the recent past.

In the past, the town has recorded security incidents with varying degrees of severity, but cases within the central business area were rare.

One Response

  1. One life lost is one too many.The security organs in Marsabit County are not fit for purpose.Marsabit population is relatively small and they should have apprehended the culprits by now.For far too long the killings have been normalised.It has to STOP now.Marsabit is better than that.

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